Central Bank of India Recruitment of 1000 PO Post Apply Online

Central Bank of India invites online application for the PO Vacancy. Central Bank of India had issued notice for 1000 PO Post. More details are below :
Total  Vacancy : 1000 Posts. (SC-124, ST -235, OBC-223, UR -418) ( Out of which VI – 10, HI -10, OC-10)
Age Limit :Applicant’s Age should be minimum 20 and maximum 30 years as reckoned on 01st of July, 2011.  Relaxation in upper age limit will be given to SC/ST Candidates up to 05 years, OBC Candidates up to 03 years, PWD Candidates up to 10 years. Candidates will be given relaxation in upper age limit as per rules and regulations.
Educational Qualification : Candidate should have completed Bachelor degree or equivalent from any recognized University and Candidate must be passed in Common written Examination organized by IBPS with having a valid scored card issued by IBPS. Candidate should also have completed a diploma course in computer literacy and office automation from any reputed institute.
Selection Process :Selection will be made on the basis of performance of Candidates in personal interview.
Application Fee :Applicants have to pay  examination fee of Rs. 250/- (For SC/ ST – 50/-) in form of Bank challan  at any branches of Central Bank of India. Bank Challan format is available at bottom of this page through web link.
How to Apply :Candidates having requisite Educational Qualification and all other eligibility criteria for the post of probationary officer may apply through online mode through the web link given below. Before applying online, Candidate should read all the instructions given there. Candidate should have valid email.  Candidates should fill the details of application fee in the online application. After submission of Online application Candidate should take two print out of system generated application for further use
Important Dates :
Starting Date of Online Registration – 11/05/2012
Last Date of Online Application – 25/05/2012.
Payment of Examination Fee – 11/05/2012 to 25/5/2012.
For More details : https://www.centralbankofindia.co.in/upload/Final%20Adv.pdf
Apply Online :https://www.centralbankofindia.co.in/site/MainSite.aspx?status=1&menu_id=17

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