A competitive examination for recruitment to the Indian Forest Service will be held by the Union Public Service Commission commencing from the 14th July, 2012
Indian Forest Service (IFS) 2012
Total Vacancy : 85
Application Fee: Candidates applying (excepting Female/SC/ST/PH candidates who are exempted from payment of fee) are required to pay a fee of Rs.100/- (Rupees One Hundred only) either by depositing the money in any Branch of SBI by cash, or by using net banking facility of SBI, State Bank of Bikaner & Jaipur/State Bank of Hyderabad/State Bank of Mysore/State Bank of Patiala/State Bank of Travancore or by using Visa/Master Credit/Debit card.
How to Apply: Candidates are required to apply online only by using the website www.upsconline.nic.in Brief instructions for filling up the online Application Form have been given in Appendix-II. Detailed instructions are available on the above mentioned website.
Last Date: The Online Applications can be filled upto 14th May, 2012 till 11.59 PM, after which the link will be disabled
For more information visit: http://www.upsc.gov.in/exams/notifications/2012/ifs/eng.pdf
Indian Forest Service (IFS) 2012
Total Vacancy : 85
Application Fee: Candidates applying (excepting Female/SC/ST/PH candidates who are exempted from payment of fee) are required to pay a fee of Rs.100/- (Rupees One Hundred only) either by depositing the money in any Branch of SBI by cash, or by using net banking facility of SBI, State Bank of Bikaner & Jaipur/State Bank of Hyderabad/State Bank of Mysore/State Bank of Patiala/State Bank of Travancore or by using Visa/Master Credit/Debit card.
How to Apply: Candidates are required to apply online only by using the website www.upsconline.nic.in Brief instructions for filling up the online Application Form have been given in Appendix-II. Detailed instructions are available on the above mentioned website.
Last Date: The Online Applications can be filled upto 14th May, 2012 till 11.59 PM, after which the link will be disabled
For more information visit: http://www.upsc.gov.in/exams/