Public Service Commission, Uttar Pradesh(UP PSC)
10, Kasturba Gandhi Marg, Allahabad-211018 (UP)Online applications are invited by UP PSC for following posts of Lecturers in Government Degree Colleges of U.P. in the various subjects :
- Lecturer : 267 posts in various subjects in Government Degree Colleges of U.P., Pay Scale : Rs. 15600-39100 with Grade pay Rs.6000/-, Age: 21-40 years, age relaxation as per rules.
1. Unreserved (General) - Rs. 80/-
2. Other Backward Class - Rs. 80/-
3. Scheduled Caste - Rs. 40/-
4. Scheduled Tribe - Rs. 40/-
How to Apply : Online Application in the prescribed format should be submitted from 10/04/2012 to 10/05/2012 only at .
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