Jobs in ONGC Tripura Power Company Limited March-2012

ONGC Tripura Power Company Ltd.  (OTPC)
6th Floor, IFCI Tower, 61, Nehru Place, New Delhi - 110019

ONGC Tripura Power Company Limited (OTPC) is setting up a 726.6 MW Combined Cycle Gas Turbine thermal power plant in the state of Tripura at Palatana to supply power to entire North-Eastern Region of India. OTPC invites applications from competent professionals for the following posts :
  1. GM (Plant) : 01 post
  2. DGM (Commercial) : 01 post
  3. DGM (HR & Admin) : 01 post
  4. Company Secretary : 01 post
  5. Manager (Engineering & Business Development) : 01 post
  6. Manager (Electrical Maintenance) : 01 post
  7. Manager (C&I) : 01 post
  8. Manager (Technical Cell) : 01 post
  9. Manager (Material Management) : 01 post
  10. Manager (F & A) : 01 post
  11. Manager (F & A) : 01 post
  12. Manager (IT & MIS) : 01 post
  13. Manager (HR & Admin) : 01 post
  14. Manager (EA to MD) : 01 post
  15. Assistant Manager (Operations), Palatana : 05 posts
  16. Assistant Manager (Mechanical Maintenance) : 01 post
  17. Assistant Manager (Electrical Maintenance) : 01 post
  18. Assistant Manager (C&I) : 01 post
  19. Assistant Manager (Fire Station In-charge) : 01 post
  20. Assistant Manager (HR & Admin) : 01 post
  21. Assistant Manager (IT) : 01 post
  22. Executive (Chemist) : 01 post
  23. Executive (Mechanical Maintenance) : 01 post
  24. Executive (Electrical Maintenance) : 01 post
  25. Executive (C&I) : 01 post
  26. Executive (Commercial) : 02 posts
  27. Executive (F&A) : 01 post
  28. Executive (F&A) : 01 post
  29. Executive (IT) :  01 post
  30. Executive (IT) : : 01 post

How to Apply :   Candidates fulfilling the requirements may email their detailed resume indicating post applied for, name & father’s name, date of birth, contact number & mailing address, qualification (10th onwards indicating degree, institution, year of passing and percentage of marks) and experience (covering post held, organization, period & nature of duties) to  within 15 days. (published on 28/03/2012)

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