Contract posts in NIMHANS March-2012

National Institute Of Mental Health & Neuro Sciences (NIMHANS)
(Deemed University)
P.B. No.2900, Hosur Road, Bangalore- 560029, India

NIMHANS Invites applications for the following vacant posts, in the prescribed form from the Indian Nationals for appointment On Contract Basis :

  1. Assistant Professor : 04 posts
  2. Clinical Psychologist : 04 posts
  3. Psychiatric Social Worker : 02 posts
  4. Senior Scientific Officer : 04 posts
  5. Junior Scientific Officer : 03 posts
  6. Technical Assistant : 03 posts
  7. Lecturer : 03 posts in various disciplines
  8. Technical Assistant (Receptionist) : 01 post
How to Apply : Applications in the prescribed form should reach the Director, NIMHANS, P.B.No. 2900, Hosur Road, Bangalore – 560029, India, on or before 02/05/2012.

For detailed information, please view and application format is available at and Annexure-A for OBC Certificate is at
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