PO. ECIL, Hyderabad - 500062, AP, India /
ECIL a professionally managed Electronics & IT, have openings for dynamic and result-oriented young Grduate Engineers Trainee with post-training placements at ECIL Headquarters in Hyderabad or any of Zonal/ Branch/ Site Offices located across India. The areas include Design & Development, Projects, Marketing, Production, QA and Field Engineering :
- Graduate Engineer Trainee (GET) : 107 posts (SC-13, ST-10, OBC-26, UR-58)( PH-10)
- Discipline : First Class Engineering degree with 65% marks (55% for SC/ST) in ECE, EEE, E&I, CSE, Civil & Mechanical
- Age : 25 years as on 30/04/2012
- Stipend : Rs.25790/- per month, will be on contract for 3 years with consolidated pay Rs.36690/- in first years, Rs.37810/- in 2nd year and Rs.38950/- in third year.
- Pay Scale after confirmation : Rs.16400-40500/- and after one year in Rs.20600-46500/-
- Selection by : Written test on 10/06/2012 and Interview for selected.
How to Apply : Please apply Online at ECIL website from 07/05/2012 14.00 hrs to 21/05/2012 16.00 hrs. After applying on-line, the candidate is required to take the print out of registered on-line application form with system generated application number for future usage.
Details are available at http://www.ecil.co.in/jobs.php and online submission of the application from 07/05/2012 onwards. Please view http://www.ecil.co.in/jobs/GET-Advt_2013.pdf for details.
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