Agricultural and Processed Food Products Export Development Authority

Agricultural and Processed Food Products Export Development Authority (APEDA) (Ministry of Commerce and Industry, Govt. of India) 3rd Floor, NCUI Building, 3 Siri Institutional Area, August Kranti Marg, (Opp. Asiad Village), New Delhi-110016 APEDA intends to make recruitment  for the following posts : Personal Executive : 04 posts Junior Assistant Executive : 11 posts Application Fee :  IPO/ Bank Draft of Rs100/- in favor of Agricultural and Processed Food Products Export Development Authority, New Delhi. (SC/ST/PH candidates need...

General Knowledge | General Knowledge Question

1. रक्त का लाल रंग किसके कारण होता है। - हीमोग्लोबिन 2. एथलीट फूट बीमारी होती है। - फफूंद से 3. विश्व की पहली महिला अंतरिक्ष यात्री थी। - वेलेंटाइना तेरेश्कोवा 4. बीसीजी का टीका नवजात शिशु को कितने दिन के भीतर लगाना चाहिए। - सात दिन 5. अग्निशमन यंत्र में कौनसी तकनीक काम में ली जाती है। - वाटरजेट 6. मानव शरीर में विटामिन ए कहां पर संग्रहित रहता है। - यकृत में 7. कार में दृश्यावलोकन के लिए किस प्रकार के.........Click H...

DSSSB Group B and C Recruitment 2012 5431 Posts, Govt Jobs in Delhi

DSSSB Group B and C Recruitment 2012Delhi Subordinate Service Selection Board (DSSSB) is going to fill up 5431 Vacancies of Group B and C Posts in Different Pay Scales. For which, DSSSB is inviting applications from Indian Nationals for the recruitment of Group B and C Posts. Application for various posts in DSSSB can be filled up from 15/05/2012 to 15/06/2012. Aspirants who possess all requirements for the job and fulfill the all the terms and conditions may apply and submit their duly complete application to the office of DSSSB...

MBOSE HSSLC Result 2012 Arts MBOSE 12 Arts Result 2012 Available for MBOSE Class 12 Arts Result 2012

MBOSE HSSLC result 2012 Arts is also available now. Total 20526 candidates appeared for 12th Arts out of which only 10801 are declared successful. Pass percentage is 52.62 for MBOSE 12 Arts result 2012. MBOSE Class 12 Arts result 2012 stats can be downloaded from: and in PDF file. Aibanskhem Nongspung has secured total 429 marks and achieved 1st rank in MBOSE HSSLC result 2012 Arts. Merit list can be downloaded from:

Sarkari Naukri - Government Jobs in Rajasthan

Sarkari Naukri - Government Jobs in Rajasthan............Click H...

General Knowledge Question

1. कोलायल लिफ्ट नहर का परिवर्तित नाम क्या है। - डॉ. करणीसिंह लिफ्ट नहर 2. बरकतुल्ला खां नहर का परिवर्तित नाम क्या है। - बाबा रामदेव नहर 3. झालावाड़ स्टेडियम का परिवर्तित नाम है। -राजमाता विजयाराजे सिंधिया राजकीय खेल संकुल 4. युन्नान का पठार स्थित है। - चीन में 5. डार्लिग है। - नदी  6. खोई और बुशमैन जनजाति का संबंध है। - अफ्रीका  7. बेबा है।................Read More For more govt jobs News visit Government Jobs. world Jobs Visit-world J...

UPSC NDA Faculty Recruitment 2012 Apply Online

UPSC invites online application form for the NDA Faulty recruitment. There are many faculty vacancies are vacant at NDA. Eligible candidate can apply online application form. Last date of filling online UPSC NDA forms is 31st May 2012. More details are below : Name of Post- No. Of vacancies – Name of Department. Junior Scientific Officer : 04 posts in National Centre of Organic Farming, M/o Agriculture . Associate Professor (Computer Science) : 04 posts in National Defence Academy, M/o Defence . Associate Professor (Physics) : 03 posts in...

General Knowledge Question

1. संसद के निम्न सदन को क्या कहते हैं। - लोकसभा 2. वर्तमान में राज्य सभा के सदस्यों की संख्या कितनी है। - 245 3. राज्य सभा की सदस्यता के लिए न्यूनतम उम्र कितनी होती है। - तीस वर्ष 4. संविधान के किस अनुच्छेद में लिखा है कि भारत का एक उपराष्ट्रपति होगा। - अनुच्छेद 63 5. किस राज्य के लिए समवर्ती सूची का प्रावधान नहीं है। - जम्मू-कश्मीर 6. रियासतों को भारत में सम्मिलित करने के लिए किसके नेतृत्व में रियासती मंत्रालय बनाया गया। - सरदार बल्लभ भाई पटेल 7. किस रियासत को पुलिस कार्रवाई के माध्यम..............Read MoreFor more govt jobs News visit Government...

CDAC Noida Project Engineer jobs Ma-2012

Canter for Development of Advance Computing (CDAC), Anusandhan Bhawan,  C-56/1, Sector-62, Noida - 201307 (UP) Centre for development of Advanced Computing (C-DAC) a scientific society of the Ministry of Communications and Information Technology, Govt. of India. C-DAC Noida  invites Online application highly talented and committed individuals for the following requirements:Project Engineer I (Electronics) : 08 posts, Consolidated Pay : Rs. 30000, Age : 30 years  Project Engineer I (Information Technology) : 22 posts, Consolidated...

Punjab State Power Corporation Limited (PSPCL)

Punjab State Power Corporation Limited (PSPCL) PSEB Hq., The Mall, Patiala - 147001 Recruitment of Various Engineering and other Posts in Punjab State Power Corporation Limited (PSPCL) Punjab State Power Corporation Limited (PSPCL), a power generating and distribution organization of Government of Punjab is looking for young & dynamic candidates with brilliant academic record for the following posts: Assistant Engineer (Trainee) (Electrical) : 87 posts Assistant Engineer (Trainee) (Mechanical) : 09 posts Assistant Engineer (Trainee) (Instrumentation...

Rajasthan CENSUS-2011

1. Decadal Growth Rate: Rajasthan-India(1901-2011)(Graph) 2. Rajasthan Population-2011(Districts)(Pie Chart) 3. Trends in Population 1901-2011(Graph) 4. Child Sex Ratio 0-6 years and Over all Sex Ratio Rajasthan 1971-2011(Graph) 5. Literacy Rates by Gender,Rajasthan 1951-2011(Graph) 6. Decadal Growth Rate-States of Empowered Action Group(2001-2011)(Graph) 7. Sex Ratio-States of Empowered Action Group(2001-2011)(Graph) 8. Literacy Rate-States of Empowered Action Group(2001-2011)(Grpah) 9. Rajastha-Density(1901-2011) ---Read More Click H...

General Knowledge, India General Knowledge

1. भारत केंद्र सरकार ने किस जीव को राष्ट्रीय जलीय जीव घोषित किया है। - ऑक्टोपस 2. पामड़ी खेस शाल है। - वस्त्र 3. चांदखेड़ी का जैन मंदिर जिले में है - झालावाड़ 4. तंबाकू बोर्ड का गठन कब किया गया। - 1 जनवरी 1976 5. मसाला बोर्ड का गठन कब किया गया। - 26 फरवरी 1987 6. भारत की किन टकसालों में सिक्कों के अलावा पदकों (मेडल) का भी उत्पादन होता है। - मुंबई व कोलकाता 7. नोएडा स्थित टकसाल की स्थापना कब की गई। - 1981 में 8. सिक्कों के लिए पहली टकसाल कहां पर स्थापित की गई। - मुंबई (1830) 9. बैंक और करेंसी नोट कागज तथा नॉन ज्यूडिशियल स्टांप पेपर की छपाई में...

बीएड धारक थर्ड ग्रेड टीचर भर्ती (फर्स्ट लेवल) के योग्य

कोर्ट ने कहा, जो भी प्रार्थी अभ्यर्थी एक जनवरी 2012 के बाद वांछित योग्यता नहीं रखते, उसे परीक्षा के योग्य नहीं माना जा सकता जयपुर. हाईकोर्ट ने आरटेट के फर्स्ट लेवल में उत्तीर्ण बीएड धारकों को थर्ड ग्रेड टीचर भर्ती...

General Knowledge, India General Knowledge, New General Knowledge

1. इंटरनेशनल क्रिकेट काउंसिल का मुख्यालय कहां पर स्थित है। - दुबई में 2. इंटरनेशनल फुटबॉल एसोसिएशन का मुख्यालय कहां पर स्थित है। - पेरिस में 3.बाबर को भारत पर आक्रमण करने का आमंत्रण किसने दिया। - राणा सांगा व दौलत खां लौदी 4. घाघरा का युद्ध किसके मध्य हुआ। - बाबर व अफगानों के मध्य 5. किस युद्ध के बाद शेर खां ने शेरशाह की पद्वी धारण की। - चौसा का युद्ध 6. प्रथम पंचवर्षीय योजना का मुख्य उद्देश्य क्या था। - अर्थव्यवस्था का संतुलित विकास व कृषि 7. द्वितीय पंचवर्षीय योजना किसके मॉडल पर आधारित थी। - पीसी महालनबिस मॉडल 8. पहली बार किस पंचवर्षीय...

Chhattisgarh Police CAF Constable Vacancy 2012 2473 Posts, Latest Jobs

Chhattisgarh Police CAF Constable Vacancy 2012Chhattisgarh Police requires various CAF Constables in the Pay Scale of Rs.5200 to 20200 + Rs.1900 Grade Pay. In this article, i am going to provide details of three different advertisements which have been out by Chhattisgarh Police for the recruitment to the post of CAF Constable. See below for all those details SL Positions Vacancies Educational Qualifications 01. CAF IR Bn Constable (GD) 205 Class 10th Passed or Higher Secondary or Equivalent Qualifications. Class 8th Passed for SC Candidates...

Data Entry Operator-Cum-Telephone Operator Vacancies at Andaman & Nicobar Administration,Port Blair

Andaman & Nicobar Administration,Port Blair offering jobs for following positions: Data Entry Operator-Cum-Telephone Operator- 08 Vacancy Eligibility: Candidate should have XII/HSC/12th Pass Diploma in Computer Application Data Entry Speed of minimum Experience: 1 Year experience in relevant field. Last Date: 8 June 2012For more information visit: more govt jobs News visit Government Jobs. world Jobs Visit-world J...

Data Entry Operator-Cum-Telephone Operator Vacancies at Andaman & Nicobar Administration,Port Blair

Andaman & Nicobar Administration,Port Blair offering jobs for following positions: Data Entry Operator-Cum-Telephone Operator- 08 Vacancy Eligibility: Candidate should have XII/HSC/12th Pass Diploma in Computer Application Data Entry Speed of minimum Experience: 1 Year experience in relevant field. Last Date: 8 June 2012For more information visit: more govt jobs News visit Government Jobs. world Jobs Visit-world J...

HPCL Special Recruitmrnt Drive For SC & ST Candidates 2012

HPCL invites Applications  for the following posts : Operations Technician – 09 Qualification : First Class Diploma in Chemical Engineering (OR) First Class B.Sc. (Maths, Physics & Chemistry) with 60% marks in Chemistry Relaxed Qualification for SC/ST Candidates : Pass Class Diploma in Chemical Engineering (OR) Pass Class B.Sc. (Maths, Physics & Chemistry). Maintenance Technician – Electrical – 01 Qualification : First Class Diploma in Electrical Engineering (OR) First Class Diploma in Electrical & Electronics Engineering. Relaxed...

General Knowledge | General Knowledge Question

Q1.Which co-founder of Infosys, wrote the book `Imagining India : Ideas for the New Century' ?  (A) N.R.Narayan Murthy (B) N.S.Raghavan (C) Nandan Nilekani (D) Kris Gopalakrishnan Q2. What is the scientific name of Vinegar ?  (A) Citric Acid (B) Acetic Acid (C) Lactic Acid (D) Tartaric Acid Q3. Who is the ex-officio chairman of Rajya Sabha ?  (A) President (B) Vice President (C) Prime Minister (D) Lok Sabha Speaker Q4. In 2008, who became the first Indian to win an individual gold medal in the Olympic Games ?  (A) Abhinav...

Consultant in Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE) New Delhi May 2012

Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE) invites applications for the following post on Contract basis:- Name of Post: Consultant (Administration) – 01 post Salary: Rs. 35,000/- per month. Essential Eligibility Conditions: – Retired...

Govt. of Haryana Recruitment May 2012 Many Govt Jobs Graduate

Govt. of Haryana, invites application for the govt post “Supportive Staff, Administrative Staff, Para-medical Staff “. More details are below : Name Of The Posts Central Record Section :  Medical Record Officer(1), Statistician (1), Coding Clerks(2), Record Clerks (3) Central Library :  Librarian with a degree in Library Science (1), Document List (1), Cataloguer (1), Library Assistant (2) Central Photographic Cum Audiovisual Unit :  Photographers (1), Artist / Moderlers (1), Dark Room Assistant (1), Audiovisual Technician (1) Central...

Central Bank of India Recruitment of 1000 PO Post Apply Online

Central Bank of India invites online application for the PO Vacancy. Central Bank of India had issued notice for 1000 PO Post. More details are below : Total  Vacancy : 1000 Posts. (SC-124, ST -235, OBC-223, UR -418) ( Out of which VI – 10, HI -10, OC-10) Age Limit :Applicant’s Age should be minimum 20 and maximum 30 years as reckoned on 01st of July, 2011.  Relaxation in upper age limit will be given to SC/ST Candidates up to 05 years, OBC Candidates up to 03 years, PWD Candidates up to 10 years. Candidates will be given relaxation...

Vizag Steel Recruitment Notification For ITI Junior Trainee Jobs May 2012 - Apply online at

Vizag Steel Has published Recruitment Notification for the post of Junior Trainee May 2012 . More Details Given Below . Post Name - Junior Trainee Total No. of Jobs - 453 Posts Mechanical-308, Electrical-105, Electronics & Instrumentation-40 Education Qualification - SSC With ITI Important Dates Given below - 1. Opening Date For online Submit Application Form - 7 May 2012 2. Closing Date For Online Application for - 23 May 2012 3. Opening Date For Download Admit card Through official website Of Vizag Steel - 16 July 2012 4....

Electronics Corporation of India Limited (ECIL)

Electronics Corporation of India Limited (ECIL) PO. ECIL, Hyderabad - 500062, AP, India /   ECIL a professionally managed Electronics & IT, have openings for dynamic and result-oriented young Grduate Engineers...

Jobs at BPS Govt. Medical College Khanpur Haryana

Government of Haryana Directorate, Medical Education and Research, Haryana  Bays No. 55-58, 2nd Floor, Paryatan Bhawan, Sector-2, Panchkula, Haryana Published at Bhagat Phool Singh...

General Knowledge | General Knowledge Question

 राजस्थान तृतीय श्रेणी शिक्षक भर्ती सामान्य ज्ञान प्रश्न उत्तर 1. शर्की वंश की स्थापना किसने की।- मलिक सरवर2. लोहार वंश के संस्थापक था।- संग्राम सिंह3. ‘फरक्का समझौता’ हुआ।- भारत-बांग्लादेश के बीच4. तीस्ता नदी विवाद...

BSF Recruitment 2012 3277 Constable (Tradesmen) Vacancies

BSF Recruitment 2012 – 3277 Constable (Tradesmen) Vacancies: Border Security Force (BSF) has invited applications from Male Indian Citizens for the recruitment of 3277 Constable (Tradesmen) Group C Combatised Non-Gazetted Vacancies. Eligible candidates need to apply through prescribed application format on or before 30 days from the date of publication. Other details like age limit, educational qualification, application fee details, selection process and how to apply are given below… BSF Vacancy Details: Total Number of Vacancies: 3277 Names of...

Jobs For Freshers In IBM May 2012 - Latest Walk In - Freshers Recruitment - Any Graduate Can Apply

IBM Recruitment For Freshers on 5 May 2012 in Hyderabad And Bangalore May 2012 . More Details Given below Post Name - Tech Support Assosciate (voice) Company - IBM India Pvt Limited Official website - Education Qualification - Any Graduate - Diploma Candidates Experience - 0 To 3 Years Job Location - Hyderabad , Bangalore Total No. Posts - 200 Selection Process - Group Discussion Technical Interview  Coomunication Assessment Round Walk In Details Given below - Walk In Date - 5 May 2012 Walk In Time -10 Am To...

General Knowledge | General Knowledge Question

1. सम्प सभा की स्थापना किसने की? - गोविन्द गिरी General Knowledge in Hindi, General Knowledge | General Knowledge Question 2. मेवाड़ का मेराथन युद्ध था? - दिवेर का युद्ध General Knowledge in Hindi, General Knowledge | General Knowledge Question,a 3. गांधी आश्रम के संस्थापक थे? - हरी भाऊ उपाध्याय General Knowledge in Hindi, General Knowledge | General Knowledge Question 4. ‘प्रत्यक्ष जीवन शास्त्र’ के लेखक थे? - हीरालाल शास्त्री General Knowledge in Hindi, General Knowledge | General Knowledge Question 5. संत तारकीन शाह की दरगाह कहां है ? - नागौर General...

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